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6 places you should visit before you leave this world

6 Surreal Places You Should Visit Before You Leave This World

This article showcases 6 places you should visit before you leave this world. I’m not saying you should visit all, just one will do. Once you’ve achieved this feat, you can then live happily ever after or quietly wait for the sound of the trumpet: for those of us who believe there exist a final call from the creator. The choice is yours!

There are some places on earth that may want to give you the impression that God probably has a branch of heaven here on earth; an extension of the much talked about paradise where every dream comes true. Places that you would visit, then decide to call it quits with life because you’ve seen it all.

These places don’t just look surreal, unreal, freakish, or uncanny as the case may be. Imagine a place that looks like a piece of art. These are places every human should visit before the sound of the trumpet. Only then will you be convinced that heaven and paradise are real.

Visiting such places will give an inkling about what paradise would look like.

There you go; 6 places you should visit before you leave this world or probably before the gong!

1. Salar De Uyuni – Bolivia

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Salar De Uyuni is the largest salt plant in the world. During the rainy season in Bolivia, it turns into a gigantic mirror. Its span is so huge and reflective that it is actually used for the calibration of satellites. The Salar was formed through the centuries after several prehistoric lakes joined together to form one humongous body of water.

salt water lake

Ahh! Aiye Miami! If I hear say I no marry here ehn!

2. Sea of Stars, Vaadhoo Island – Maldives

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This sure looks like painting. Warning! If you want to know what paradise looks like, visit this place only at night then you can come back to Nigeria before daybreak. The Maldives is not so far away. Its in the Indian ocean, farther than India, and they say it takes 10 hours to get to India from Nigeria by air. Not far right?

sea of stars

During daylight, this deceptive sea looks like any other beach, but once the sun goes down this place comes to life! It turns into a spectacular sight at night. The bioluminescent phytoplankton look like hundreds of bright stars glistening like a starry sky as the night grows old.

Read also: Top 10 Places the living should not visit

3. The Antelope Canyon, Arizona – United States


Rainwater during monsoon season runs into the basin above the slot canyon sections, and speeds up with sand rushing into the narrow passageways. For hundreds of years the passageways eroded, turning the corridors deeper and smoothing its hard edges to form beautiful “flowing” lines on the rock.

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4. Santorini – Greece


Who would have thought that an island devastated by a volcanic eruption in the 16th century would become a beautiful and popular place for tourists? That’s exactly what happened to Santorini. The pictures say it all.



5. Red Beach, Panjin – China


Let’s talk about a phenomena that causes a beach to turn bloody red. It’s brought about by a type of seaweed called Sueda. This rare seaweed starts growing in April and May. It stays green all summer, but when autumn comes, it turns vivid red. If you are tired visiting blue beaches, this is definitely a unique beach to check.

I would like my funeral to be done on this beach while my coffin be made to float to a place of no return or what do you think?

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6. Deadvlei – Namibia


According to Scott Sporleder; “Trying to de what Dead Vlei looks like in words is no easy task. As the title of the post suggests, this is a surreal place, a bizarrely beautiful landscape that makes you feel like you’re strolling on Mars rather than planet Earth.”

A photo of this dead valley should inspire a real artist. Yes, it’s hard to believe, but these are not surrealist paintings. These are photos of the “Dead Valley” in Namibia. Perhaps the scorching heat killed all life in this former forest? It’s now a dry desert.


What more can life offer, right?

Anyways, this is only a tip of the iceberg, paradise offers so much more. Go to the places aforementioned that will get you thinking of what paradise would look like, if possible recreate it. I’ll bet your life will not remain the same again because old things will pass away and all will become new.

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