The bedroom is basically designed for two things; the basic one most commonly done is sleep. However that doesn’t mean that you can’t do a variety of things in the bedroom neither does it imply that the bedroom is an all-purpose room.
There are a couple of things you should never be found doing in the bedroom no matter how comfortable that department of the home seems to be.
Doing all manner of stuffs in the bedroom might just be the way you like it albeit they’re either a bit gross or just a bit unhealthy for you.
Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for, well, everything. But if you’re sharing your bed with one of these seven things, you might be putting your overall wellbeing which includes – your health and sanity at risk.
1. Your phone
Admit it, the last thing you do before you go to bed, and when you wake up, is check your BBM or go on Facebook.
And if it’s not Facebook then it’s Twitter, Instagram, texts or emails. Here’s why you shouldn’t.
The use of phones is a particularly disruptive activity before bed because of its effect on sleep.
The blue light emitted from our screens disrupts melatonin production in our brains – the chemical that helps us nod off. So if you’re having regular bouts of insomnia and can’t find the cause, then this might be it.
‘We are sensitive to light that contains blue inside it, which is great during the day as it keeps us alert and awake. However, reading on a tablet can postpone sleep by about an hour, and you will wake up more groggy.’
Put the phone, tablet or laptop down at least an hour before you go to sleep. Though in actual sense, no electronics should go with you to the bedroom.
2. Your pet
Pet cuddles may be soothing. But not when they’re wriggling about and you just want to get the hell to sleep.
Your furry friend can not only keep you up with their insistent movement during the night, but they are also quite unhygienic.
Think of all the dander, pollen, dirt and allergens your dog or cat might be bringing to bed with them.
3. A noisy bedmate
Yes, its obvious you’re probably not going to kick your hubby out of the bed, but if he snores, kicks, etc., it can affect your sleep. Actually, as long as you’re not sleeping in separate beds to avoid intimacy or sex, many doctors agree that sleeping apart might be better for your sleep quality.
If you’re already sleeping apart, don’t worry, you are not alone: According to one study, almost 40% of couples reported sleeping apart. But you can cope with it oh! its not a bad idea staying awake for the one you love, don’t you think?
4. Your kid
Sleeping with your child is not only disruptive, it can also be dangerous: Co-sleeping can put your baby at risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and suffocation.
5. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
It may feel comfortable, but eating in bed is actually kind of gross. Any crumb left over is a signal to bugs and other nasty things to come crawling. So unless you want to share your bed with a cockroach or two, keep food in the kitchen and wash your sheets regularly.
6. Your Handbag
This one might be more relevant to women, but it’s something many of us do.
Our beds are just big enough and have enough space to empty out your entire handbag and spread out its contents everywhere. You know, when it needs a clear out.
But you might want to think twice about doing it when you know just how much bacteria you could be transferring into your sheets.
The outside of your handbag is pretty filthy too. In fact, it’s commonly dirtier than a toilet seat, which isn’t surprising when you think of how many people place them on the floor of public toilets while they use the loo.
7. A book
Yes, even reading in bed can hurt your sleep patterns. Actually, engaging in any activity before bed that requires concentration (watching TV, checking your cellphone, doing a crossword puzzle) can cause poor sleep the rest of the night.