Home » Fiction Series » Oga Martins & His Kettle of Fishes 4.0 – Episode 11
Oga Martins & His Kettle of Fishes 4.0 - Season's Finale

Oga Martins & His Kettle of Fishes 4.0 – Episode 11

Martins was off Solonzo’s radar for a while and that was only because Solonzo had other business to handle. He was convinced Martins knew about the whereabouts of Ada, who was supposedly deceased. It had been months since their last unannounced meeting, Solonzo had been away from the country hence Martins was free for a while.

Solonzo was back in the country and this time around he was on a revenge mission. He had spent some time in jail and he was hell bent on knowing who really blew his cover. He only just confirmed that Pharell whom he had thought dead was alive. The die-hard criminal had escaped from jail days before Solonzo was thrown into jail. The duo re-connected and teamed up immediately. Pharell had informed his former boss that it was Deji who betrayed him and all the while he had thought it had been Machiavelli who was killed in jail. Now that he had finally found out the person that blew his cover, he was happy he did.


“Pharell I’m really happy that I eventually got to the root of this, and I am glad you are alive.”

“Thanks boss. So what’s the 411?”

“Well, I’m gonna have to pay Tuga a visit soon. At least now I know it’s either he agrees to work with me or I will erase him from the phase of earth once and for all. I’m still gonna do that anyways.”

“Are you sure he won’t disclose your plans to the police the moment he has the chance to?”

“He wouldn’t dare. He can’t pretend not to know how dangerous and connected I am. I’m still the same old Solonzo and six months in jail hasn’t changed me one bit. If I have to remind him before we start working together I will.”

“I’ m sure he won’t make you go through all that stress. Deji no get that kain mind.”

“Time will tell. Pharell, I want us to go to him. Let’s pay him a surprise visit at his crib”




“Yes, now. Work has started already. Our first assignment is by next week, I need all hands on deck.”


Martins was gradually bringing the things at 5, Otolorin street, Lawanson back into shape after the ugly incident that transpired at the illegal party that was thrown in the compound by the Obong’s. Runo had returned from the hospital and since it was a weekend, Martins had gone to see her amidst other issues he needed to attend to at the property he was paid to manage.

As he walked into the compound, the first person he spotted was his old friend Deji and his associate, Jamiu smoking marijuana close to an isolated part around the storehouse, the same spot he had caught Deji and Thelma in an uncompromising position. Naturally, Martins would have been extremely mad at such development because he had constantly warned Jamiu about smoking weed in the compound, but he couldn’t this time since Deji was involved. Martins was embarrassed for Deji, when he knew him he couldn’t even finish a glass of beer. Everything about the young man had changed in so little time.

He took a quick glance at his Swiss wrist watch. It pained Martins that the two ex-convicts he was unfortunate to have has tenants were smoking quite early in the morning. It wasn’t even 9 a.m yet.

“Caretaker gbogbo aiye! I greet o!” Martins pretended not to hear Jamiu’s greetings because he knew it wasn’t genuine and had an undertone of sarcasm.

“Deji aswear na me go kill this guy for this compound,”  Jamiu voiced out angrilly as Martins walked past them, completely ignoring the duo.

Martins first point of call was Runo’s self-contained apartment. Lately, Martins found himself drawn to the pretty young model, especially when pregnancy had taken its full toll on his wife. Aisha was looking shapeless and unattractive each passing day, though Martins was glad delivery date was only two weeks away. He had made up his mind not to get too personal with Runo, especially when Aisha became heavily pregnant. But on this particular day, he had no choice.

He needed to see Runo to at least confirm if she had fully recovered from the accident that was initiated by Uju. Though, whenever Martins came knocking on Runo’s door, she always invited him in and he had a habit of declining. He always avoided going into Runo’s apartment for two reasons; She’s a single lady and Runo was fond of wearing very skimpy and revealing clothes both outdoors and indoors. The young lady was too attractive for his liking.

This time around Martins didn’t mind entering her apartment and possibly feeling comfortable there if the need arose. Runo who had sighted Martins from her window didn’t even wait for his knock before she opened her door. She smiled from ear to ear the moment Martins walked into her apartment even before she could invite him in, in her usual style.

“Wow! What happened today Oga Martins?” Runo was surprised to see Martins walk into her apartment.

“Well, I came to see how you are faring and I’m not sure it would have been proper doing that outside”

“Yeah, sure,” Runo walked past him towards the mirror in her room while Martins stood, looking around the room. I hope am looking a bit presentable at least, cause I actually haven’t had my bath today. Martins took a quick glance at the lady who stood in from of him with her back before him. For the first time he noticed how hot Runo really was. To make matters worse she was wearing bum shorts. From her mirror Martins could tell that she knew he was staring at her well-chiseled body and hour-glass figure and she really was enjoying it. The wide grin on her face was a testament to that.

Martins took one step towards Runo, and yet another. Pressure was beginning to mount between  them. He was almost getting close to her when a sudden figure ran past her window like a rabbit chased by a pack of wolves. Martins quickly moved to the window to be sure they were safe. It was then he realized the person who had run past Runo’s window was Deji. And looking ahead, Martins saw two mean looking men walk into the compound. He recognized one of them as Solonzo while the other guy who wielded a 48 caliber enforcer pistol looked familiar. On a closer look, Martins instantly knew the gun wielding guy was one of the robbers that invaded Maximus Bank the night Tunde was killed.

“Oh my God! This doesn’t look good!” Martins exclaimed as the men drew closer.

Oga Martins & His Kettle of Fishes continues next week…

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