Home » Real Estate » The joke termed ‘INFRASONIC RADIATION’ 2

The joke termed ‘INFRASONIC RADIATION’ 2


synagogue 2

Those who are clamouring for a halt to the coroner’s inquest into the September 12, 2014 disaster that occurred at the ‘SCOAN’ headquarters killing 116 people including about 84 South African nationals should know this;

“Section 74(1) of the Physical Planning and Development Law of Lagos State states inter alia that at any time there is a collapsed building within the state. Wherever it is discovered that there is a negligence on the part of the owner or the developer, that land will be confiscated and whoever is at the other side of the law will be prosecuted,” therefore, the ‘SYNAGOGUE’ can’t be an exception.

While the collapse of the the newly built 6-storey structure at the ‘SCOAN’ head quarters still remains a mystery, the hovering of what appeared to be a Hercules C-130, which is a military aircraft according to CCTV and expert analysis compounds the theories.

If at all we want to overlook the claims by the military expert from the Nigerian Defence Academy, what was the aircraft doing atop the building for so long abi ‘TB’ don get airport inside SCOAN? Probably Shekau now pitches his tent with SCOAN.

Ikotun is definitely not a small place yet the pilot chose the synagogue for his flying lessons or was it to test weapons, after all this is what the so called aircraft is designed for.

I’m still pondering though, how the expert got to know the kind of aircraft that flew across the building from such distance.

Was the plane hovering just over the synagogue or was it due to the fact that it was viewed from the premises of SCOAN, that was why that assumption was put forward?

I thought only helicopters have the ability to hover round a building …

However, regardless of how ridiculous the conclusions made by the representatives of Prophet T.B Joshua may sound, don’t you think there is an element of truth in the arguments raised?

Is it possible for a newly constructed building to collapse on its own accord without any strong external presence that would upset the statics of the building? Considering the fact that on the said day, there were no heavy rainfall, unusual wind and even if wizards were flying through the building on broom sticks, Prophet T.B Joshua would definitely had detected that, but of course if Nigerians thought the infrasonic radiation ‘tingy’ was ridiculous, how much more a talk about wizardry.

So, was it wrong to make those mind-blowing assumptions about that strange aircraft?

Why is the Lagos state government not investigating the aircraft itself? After all video replays suggested that the aircraft may have had a hand in the catastrophe that ensued moments after it left the vicinity of the collapsed structure.

If this hubris about control demolition of the SCOAN building by some strange flying saucer emitting radiation via an infrasonic weapon, as claimed by the explosives and weapons expert, is to be taken any serious, one wonders what could have been the motive of such action.

One fact that ought not to be ignored or undermined in this case is the originally approved capacity of the foundation of the building; was the original building foundation designed to carry a two-storey structure?

At what point and on whose permission was it reviewed to accommodate additional four-storey?

How credible is the assessment of the NDA Post graduate student?

Why do I have a feeling he just came up with a theory he googled or got from a scientific journal?
A poorly conceived piece of fiction!

I hope we won’t hear soon from another military expert in astronomical science that aliens are presently been employed to rig the forthcoming elections. After all that’s all they do; take us on a ride through fool’s paradise.

There is nothing we won’t hear in this country.

If the military had a weapon as destructive as that, then why has it not been used in sambisa forest? Why does the military lack regular arms and ammunition to tackle insurgency? Why are we still begging every Tom Dick and Harry for weapons?

Now, you understand why that assumption sounds like a big joke, right?

Supposing it was a terrorist attack, why has no terrorist group made claim to the collapse? I’m sure Boko haram would be proud to own up to it if it were there doing. At least, who would think they had become so advanced to use an infrasonic weapon emitting radiation

Even the strange historical collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington in 1940 was never attributed to infrasonic radiation from a weapon.

if this ‘talk made simple’ weapon was in existence then why did Al Qaeda go through the stress and risk of crashing planes into the world trade centre and the pentagon in 2001?

So many questions begging for answers…

At least, Iguniwei has successfully used “infrasonic weapon” theory not only to blast Nigeria to outer space but to also make a name for himself and I suppose he got his “rocket science” degree from the NDA. Oops! I forgot! He’s still studying.

I hope he takes us to the moon soon!

Why all the questions remain unanswered, I hope we won’t have to wait for long to get to the root of this matter while the Fashola led-government remain resolute in proving that shoddy workmanship and bad designs led to the collapse of the SCOAN guest house and not any external factors.

But the fact remains that the collapsed guest house had no approval from the Lagos State Ministry of Environment like many other structures in Lagos which is itself an offence even if there was an approval in the offing as claimed.

Remember the people that died were non-Nigerians neither were they the revered Prophet’s family members; they were his guest. Therefore I don’t see anything wrong in the coroner’s inquest into the primary cause of the collapse as long as it’s with genuine intentions.

After all said, whatever it is the Lagos State Government is pursuing should end sooner than later.


One comment

  1. If we say delayed joustice is denied justice, what exactly is justice in this case? Only God knows what truly happened.

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