WARNING!!! The content of this article is no where close to being pleasant. Readers are strongly advised not to read during or after bedtime.
Do you know there are some places in the world that would give you cold feet if you wander there? Places where people and even animals go to meet their end. There is even a place in Scotland where dogs go to commit suicide.
Not even humans!
Places you would go and your body weight doubles in the spiritual sense…Where you will get an STD by just inhaling the oxygen in the air around. Places you will go and may never return.
The famous tales of Madam Koi Koi and Wili-wili come alive in these places.’Even sef’ in one of the places mentioned in this article I suspect you will find Sakobi or even Nneka – the pretty serpent there.
Also, do you know that the gates to hell are visible on earth and the place has been in flames for 40 years?
There is even a place you can go to spend eternity while on earth, so I heard oh!
In fact the moment you start reading this piece, it will first sound like a costly joke, some dream you want to wake up from. But I tell you, these places are real and the gory events attributed to the places does happen.
Here is a round-up of the top ten places you shouldn’t visit except its for some sinister purpose.
If you are ready for this, then unto the next level…
1. The Overtoun Bridge, Scotland
The Overtoun Bridge in the village of Milton, Scotland is one notable place the living should not be found, but with a bizarre twist — Humans are not the ones jumping. Dogs are.
At least a whopping 50 dogs have leapt to their deaths from the bridge like they are in some sky diving competition. Some even say there’s been as many as 600 that have died this way.
Isn’t that bizarre?
Though 50 to 600 dogs is a huge range, it’s odd to consider even just one dog performing this grisly act. Now here is the most intriguing part of this bizarre place in the heart of the United Kingdom; the jumping exercise seems quite deliberate and planned. People have reported seeing dogs jump off the bridge, survive the fall, run up the bridge and jump again… until they die.
As in…Like seriously? Even dogs get tired of life and commit suicide? Do dogs specifically go here to meet with their maker?
Too many questions begging for answers…
The mystery of the Overtoun Bridge continues to elude the world, but some speculate there might be dark forces at play while some others say the occurrence there may be due to a dog’s curiosity. Perhaps they are going after a scent or responding to a sound.
Either way, you probably should leash your dog on the Overtoun Bridge to be sure.
2. The Darvaza Crater, Turkmenistan
The Darvaza Crater, Turmenistan is a giant hole that is known as the “Door to Hell” for good reason — the 225 feet wide, 95 feet deep crater has been consistently burning for nearly four decades.
Can you beat that? Is that not more like hell?
Turkmenistan is a country in Central Asia.
Though it is unclear how the phenomenon originally occurred, it has been speculated that Soviet scientists set the gas field on fire, under-estimating how much fuel lay below, according to National Geographic.
Well, now they know.
Few would like to stand at the edge of the raging flames of the crater, but in November 2013 explorer and storm chaser George Kourounis became the first person to brave its depths.
I duff my hat for him to be courageous enough to defile all odds. I hope he got an award for it?
3. The Villages, Florida
This community in Florida, USA is famous for high occurrence of STDs. It is the largest gated retirement community in America. There is something not right about this place. It has a creepy vibe, and is sometimes described as a Disney world for old people and this is because everyone rides around on golf carts, and children are only allowed inside with a visitor’s pass.
The Village’s website says its mission is “to create a retirement community where people’s dreams can come true.”
And if your dream is to get laid, your dreams are probably coming true. Elderly people get down at ‘The Villages’ so much so that the community is known for its many scandals and sexually transmitted diseases.
In 2009, the New York Post published an article reporting the skyrocketing cases of STDs, and another article published in 2011 noted the rise of sexually transmitted infections.
Though ‘The Villages’ vehemently denies that STDs is a rampant problem and argues journalists have put a spin on statistician’s numbers for the sake of creating sensational news, safe sex memos are still sent out to residents, just in case.
4. The Mutter Museum
The Mutter Museum describes itself as America’s finest museums of medical history and, indeed, it is a well-respected institution with 130,000 visitors each year.
But if you’re squeamish at all, you’ll probably want to skip a trip, because it houses everything from preserved brains to the livers of conjoined twins to an exhumed body to a collection of conjoined fetal specimens.
“We have wet specimens from every part of the human body as well as parts that aren’t supposed to be there, such as cysts and tumors,” states the museum’s website.
Gosh! Who does that?
Though the museum is not for the faintest of heart, the custodians insist the museum is meant to educate the public and inspire empathy for those who have suffered rare medical conditions.
Oh God! I think I’m gonna puke….
5. Jatinga, India
In northeastern India, there is a small, lush green village called Jatinga. But while the village may be very beautiful, it has a reputation for something sinister; it is a place where birds fly till they can fly no more.
This place is synonymous to Overtoun bridge in Scotland albeit the only difference is that birds and not dogs commit suicide here. Imagine an instance where birds just decide to fly into walls for no reason…that is what happens in Jatinga, India.
Every year, several migratory and local birds shot-put themselves into the walls of buildings and trees. The villagers then capture and kill the dying birds.
The unusual occurrence happens during monsoon season between September and November, and has confused villagers and ornithologists alike.
But Anwaruddin Choudhury, author of “The Birds of Assam,” explains the fog from the monsoons confuse the birds, causing them to fly towards the lights of the village. But many disoriented birds accidentally catapult themselves into walls and trees.
And yet, this still doesn’t entirely explain the mystery.
“The most puzzling thing to me about this phenomenon is that so many species of diurnal resident birds should be on the move when, by definition, they should be fast asleep,” wrote famed ornithologist Salim Ali. “The problem deserves a deeper scientific study from various angles.”
Public service announcement to all ye birds out there: Monsoon season or not, steer clear of Jatinga. I said steer clear! #Dazol
6. The Rattlesnake Roundup, in Sweetwater, Texas
This is a boulevard of nightmares. The Rattlesnake Roundup in Sweetwater, Texas is pretty much exactly what it sounds like — a massive gathering of snakes in the Nolan County coliseum. In fact, it is the largest rattlesnake roundup in the world, according to its website.
The roundup hosts several special events, including the rattlesnake parade, the snake eating contest, the longest snake contest and, lest we forget, the “Miss Snake Charmer” pageant.(God forbid bad thing)
Read also: Top 10 World’s Most Dangerous Buildings
If you think experiencing this festival would be creepy, imagine experiencing it without your eyesight, only being able to hear the cajillions of snakes slithering and hissing in a massive pit.
Find yourself here and you won’t know what hit you. Don’t say I didn’t warn you oh!
7. The Avanos Hair Museum in Turkey
Below a local pottery house in the Cappodocian region of Turkey,sits a little cavern full of hair.
That’s right. Hair! Thousands and thousands of samples of hair, 16,000 to be exact. The museum opened in 1979 and has housed the largest collection of samples in the world, earning it a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.
“Why are people leaving their hair in this weird, little, dark cavern?” you ask?
According to the story making the rounds here, a local potter was bidding farewell to a dear friend of his when he asked for something to remember her by. She cut off a piece of her hair to leave as a reminder. He put it up in his shop, and told the story to the visitors and tourists who passed through. Not to be outdone, other women who enjoyed the story left a piece of their hair as well.
Awwwwww, How nice. Touching story, yeah? (If I hear)
Once or twice a year a winning lock of hair is chosen.
The prize?
The former hair owner gets an invitation to come back and stay in the connected guest house.
Hmm…wonders shall not cease.
8. Lily Dale, New York
No one dies in Lily dale, so I heard. At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be anything too unusual about this gated community in upstate New York. The residents go about their daily business, going to the marketplace, taking their kids to school, hanging out at the local coffee shop, oh! and talking to the dead.
According to Lily Dale’s official website, the town is “the world’s largest center for the Science, Philosophy and Religion of Spiritualism.” And with a population of 500 Spiritualists, it’s a tough record to beat.
Tourists flock to Lily Dale in the thousands for workshops, readings or to summon loved ones who have passed. Do you have a loved one who has been long dead and you wish for a moment with? Then Lily dale is the place to be
9. Leakin Park, Baltimore
This is a place where people go to bury their bodies.
Listen to this; if you’re digging in Leakin Park to bury your body, you’re probably going to find somebody else’s. Since 1946 at least 68 bodies have been found.
But some think the park’s reputation is not deserved, and that it should be appreciated for its beauty. Some believe it’s a terrific park and it’s full of lots of hiking trails, and lots of things to do.
Please tell me what is terrific about a place where bodies are buried?
Either way, this is most definitely not a place you’d want to visit at night, because who knows what, or whom, you might come across. Wili wili, Madam koi koi, Sakobi or Nneka – the pretty serpent, can appear from no where.
10. Aokigahara Forest, Japan
This forest reminds me of the evil forest in Calabar where twins were left to die. Aokigahara Forest is a place you will go to and I promise you will never return.
Along with The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the Aokigahara Forest in Japan is among the world’s most popular sites to die.
The dense forest, located at the base of Mt. Fuji, became a destination for suicides after the 1960 publication of Kuroi Jukai – a popular novel in which lovers take their own lives in Aokigahara.
Since then, hundreds have jumped on the creepy bandwagon to stay among the trees for an eternity.
According to the Vice documentary, it is not rare to encounter a body since authorities only do a sweep of the forest once a year. In fact, there are so many deaths that the Yakuza (the Japanese mafia) pays homeless people to sneak in to rob the corpses.
Imagine such places existing in Nigeria.
What do you think we would attribute it to?
Witchcraft or we could just say its a coven of witches and evil spirits? But trust the westerners, they will always look for a valid argument for supernatural or evil occurrences.
…And if you still think all of these is a joke then you are probably dead already.
Read also: 5 Mysteriously Abandoned Mansions
I tot sambisa forest will be there