Imagine that a restaurant that offers mouth-watering dishes is modeled after a toilet, would you eat there?
Modern Toilet Restaurant is a unique bathroom-themed restaurant chain, based in Taiwan, with several branches throughout Asia.
Everything in the 2,800-square-foot (260 m2), three-story restaurant is based on items from a bathroom. The checkered tile covered walls are adorned with shower-heads, while plungers hang from the ceiling along with fæces-shaped lights. The chairs are actual non-working toilets, dishes are served on plastic miniature toilet bowls, and drinks in miniature urinals.
Owner Dao Ming Zi opened Modern Toilet Restarant after the success of his ice cream shop that sold swirls of ice cream served in mini toilets. It is not odd for Taiwan to host restaurants with unusual themes. Taiwan also has eating locales that resemble jailhouses and hospitals.
The owner who is an ex-banker stated that his inspiration for the bathroom themed restaurant came from a robot character from the Japanese cartoon Dr Slump who loved to “play with poop and swirl it on a stick.” From this cartoon inspiration, he started a successful ice cream shop selling swirled chocolate ice cream on top of papers. The chain of Modern Toilets started in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and now has 12 restaurants in Taiwan, and Hong Kong with future locations planned in Macau and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Customers dine while sitting on acrylic toilets adorned with “roses, seashells or renaissance paintings.
The tables that the meals are served on are bathroom sinks covered with glass tops. Meals are served in miniature toilet bowls and drinks are in miniature plastic urinals which the customers can take home with them as a souvenir. Dessert ice cream is served in a dish that resembles a squat toilet.
Another similar report says, the flagship Modern Toilet is a three-story restaurant in the Datong District of Taiwan. Its name leaving little to the imagination as far as theme goes, the decor is all things bathroom including a heavy representation of…well… poop.
Acrylic toilets (seats down) act as dining chairs that pull up to sinks with glass table tops, and the ambiance is generated by shower heads adorning the walls and plunger fixtures containing poop-shaped lights swinging from the ceiling. Your toilet-themed meal is served in either a mini potty or tiny bathtub, and your beverage is, predictably, delivered in a urinal that you are welcome to keep as a yucky souvenir. Most everything on the menu has a faeces-related name, but the food is delightfully poop free, and consists of hot pot, curries, and a large dessert selection.
It seems as though it would be hard to find a solid market for an eatery so blatantly disgusting, but they seem to be on to something.
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Owner Dao Ming Zi aimed to shock the senses and capitalize on the attraction of novelty with Modern Toilet. Mission Accomplished.