The minister of works, power and housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola has given contractors ultimatum to complete the federal road projects in Yakubu Dogara, the House of Representatives Speaker’s hometown.
Fashola gave the ultimatum order that they should complete all the projects before ending of May 2019 while on inspection tour to Bogoro LGA of Bauchi state.
He said the APC administration will not abandon any direct bearing projects beyond May 2019
The minister added that he was on tour to see for himself and on behalf of the federal government the level of work done.
“I’m happy for the work done on ground but I plead with the contractors to double their efforts to meet the deadline of handing over the road before next year May,” Fashola said.
According to the minister, under President Buhari, a lot had been done in terms of infrastructure to ease transportation challenges in the country
He stressed that the Federal Government was committed to the provision of social amenities to make positive impact on its citizens.
Credit: Daily Post