Commercial real estate is booming in Ghana, a nation of 27 million people with a strong cultural heritage, plentiful resources, and a stable government along the west coast of Africa. Many corporations, such as General Electric, Caterpillar, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, are setting up headquarters in Accra, Ghana.
As a result, the demand for training in commercial real estate has grown exponentially. To remedy this shortfall, CCIM introduced the online course “Foundations for Success in Commercial Real Estate” in five increments of two hours each from June 15 to 24 in Accra for commercial real estate brokers, developers, attorneys, and investors.
“Ghana is an ideal location in Africa to start CCIM courses because the training will improve CRE professionals’ business and enhance their markets,” says Vicky Sampah, MBA, MSRE, managing broker at L’ABRI Realty in Aurora, Ill., who is sponsoring the CCIM pilot course. “Starting in Ghana, we are building credibility for the CCIM courses in West Africa.”
West African nations have swiftly become new emerging markets. Ghana is perfectly situated to captivate the region, according to Emiola Dosunmu, CCIM international operations manager. Once the word spreads about CCIM courses from participants in Ghana, Dosunmu expects commercial real estate professionals from Lagos, Nigeria, and Kenya will be eager to sign on.
“We live in a global village, and commercial real estate, especially, is more global now than local,” Sampah says. “The CCIM Institute is the right organization with the right training in commercial real estate for professionals in Ghana who need practical education. ”
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