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mentorship program

Debo Adejana Mentorship Program

Top of the day to you,

I have been asked over and over by so many people for mentorship in Real Estate and Business generally. More so because I give lectures in a number of places on various business subjects and real estate investments in particular and people who subscriber to our free monthly newsletter, listen to me on radio, follow me on twitter, like us on Facebook or watch our educative broadcast on YouTube, most times want to be mentored.

While I have some people I mentor before now, the demand and need for me to mentor is at a stage it needs to be structured otherwise, I will not be able to devote time for what it is I am doing fundamentally that is making people want to listen to what I have to say. To allow that to happen will be dangerous and I will not also be playing to my conviction of giving back if I excuse away all these requests.

Mentorship is something I have benefited from myself and still do benefit from and I consider it a must have relationship for business success. I have operated a form of it before but here now is a repackaged format for the benefit of anyone that may be interested.


I will want to believe that you already know a little about me to have found yourself here, otherwise read up on me here.

This Mentorship programme is slighted into 2 categories. The first is the free come one, come all category and the second is the paying category.

My commitment to the Free category is as follows:

  • We will meet as a group once every month
  • We will take on topical business and/or real estate issue for discussion
  • A copy of any book I publish solely during the year shall be available to mentees at a discount
  • Subscription to NREH’s free monthly newsletter and our other online channels.

And for the paid Category,

  • We will meet as a group once every month
  • We will take on topical business and/or real estate issue for discussion
  • Project review session
  • Access to my support system during business development and project execution
  • Exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences 
  • I will give a maximum of  one hour every quarter for  one-on-one meeting with every member of the mentorship forum
  • A copy of any book I publish solely during the year shall be available to the members for free
  • Subscription to NREH’s free monthly seminar
  • Access to Expert advice when needed. Over time, I have assembled a top-flight team of mortgage brokers, bankers, agents, escrow officers, lawyers, contractors, accountants, investors, insurance brokers, and other specialists that help me to take-down new deals and to run my business effectively. I will introduce you to some of these professionals in the course of this mentorship!
  • You will be allowed into my Online Mentoring Group

The paying category is a closed forum with a cap on the number of people that can be part of it for quality interaction, effective benefit and participation. Membership renewal is annual and although annual payments will be required, non performing members of the paying forum shall be disqualified from renewing their membership and new members can/shall be admitted in their stead.

Our monthly sessions allow both categories to attend. It will not just be seminars or workshop, rather we shall also be taking on the nitty-gritty of general business and real estate opportunities, challenges, strategies and much more!

You will be trained and mentored by me personally and some of my buddies, mentors and business partners.

Whenever possible, there may be investment opportunity we can analyse and jointly carry out periodically.

We are at the threshold of the most promising real estate market in years. Fortunes will be made. This is the time to take advantage of what I call a “platinum mine” and make incredible things happen for you!


Join now with just N60, 000 for the first one year. Renewal after the first year shall be at N30,000 per annum. This is subject to review as we proceed. The real fact is that you will come across ways and means of making millions literally and a lot faster than you may have outside of this forum.

I look forward to helping you in your real estate and /or general business world as I mentor you.

To register, fill the form here NOW. Or send details to info@nigeriarealestatehub.com and copy realtypointsec@gmail.com | 08093930651| 08067003465| 08059899705.

All payments should be made to:  GTBank  Account  No. 0007754736 (Realty Point Limited)

Please text the following details after payment; your full name, email, teller number and date of lodgement to any of | 08093930651| 08067003465| 08059899705, tag it “Mentorship Forum”

Sessions: Third Saturday of every month.

Time: 12noon- 3p.m

Venue: 3, Olaide Benson, Onigbongbo, Maryland, Lagos.

See you there!

Feel free to invite someone each time you are coming.

Powered by www.nigeriarealestatehub.com a part of Realty Point Limited



  1. Hello Mr Debo, when is the next edition of your seminar. I am interested in learning and having you as a mentor.

    • Hi Mr. Femi,

      The next seminar will take place in the third weekend of May. You can liaise with 08093930651 to get further information about it. Thank you.

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