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Estate Agents Marketing: How to acquire the extra skills to become successful

Acquiring estate agents marketing skill is the extra knowledge that will separate you from the bunch of agents in Nigeria. It’s that extra that separates a successful marketer from others.

Yes, everybody is a marketer, one way or the other. Well, this may sound a hard nut to crack, initially to some of you. But, pause for a moment and reflect.

Daily, we network, make contacts, make calls and move from one place to the other. The truth is that all our activities are geared toward selling ourselves, our products, passions, skills, knowledge and our goods. So, if you are a journalist, lawyer, entrepreneur, teacher, pastor, imam, etc. You are simply selling, period.

This is the special skill – estate agents marketing – you need, or should I say virtues you need to successfully seal a deal, as a real estate marketer. It is the extra estate agents marketing skill that makes an extra-ordinary person. That man or woman that is capable of cracking the rocks and is therefore sought after globally.

When it come to estate agents marketing, success begins from learning. Therefore, if you want to enter the real estate business as an agent, land surveyor, contractor, developer, consultant, labourer, accountant, lawyer, banker or freelance, you must go through either formal learning at schools or be apprenticed to individuals, firms or organizations, that will guide you on the nitty gritty of the estate agents marketing  skill.

For instance, you can acquire the skills of real estate marketing from www.schoolofestate.com,  the institution is doing one fantastic job on providing information to guide person interested in real estate business. I visited the site and noticed that certificates at various courses are awarded to successful students after the training.

Apart from this, there are a million sites and institutions across the globe that offers information on real estate property marketing and all aspects of real estate business.

It was Dr Sunny Ojeagbase, publisher/Editor-in-chief, Success Digest that said in one of his numerous write-ups that we must learn it, do it and eventually sell it. Nothing can be truer. Ojeagbase had a humble beginning as far as education was concerned. Today, he is very comfortable, empowering people across the globe with his motivational publications.

He is indeed a marketer per excellence. You too can be one in the real estate industry.

From research, I observed that some world class marketers virtually in every field of human endeavour have some peculiar habits, characters, or virtues that stand them out as extra-ordinary.

Yes, 13-letter word again. Some of these attributes are: aggressiveness, go-getter, persuasive, pleasant personalities, social, friendly, ever-smiling.

With these, back-up by sincerity, truthfulness, transparency, honesty, etc, the world becomes a global family and as the Bible talks about spreading your seeds upon the land… people, who may or may not know you get to do business with you.

Some virtues are natural; we call it talents or special gifts from God. But, they have got to be horned, that is polish through crucible of life. The school or apprenticeship will do this magic.

Having gotten estate agents marketing skill, translate them to attracting clients and customers. How?

Tell the world what you know and can do and over time, people will patronize you, regardless of the country you are operating from. There are people abroad, who are interested in getting information on how to go about buying a piece of real estate in Lagos, Abuja, Calabar, Kano, Port Harcourt etc, without going through much stress. It is pretty difficult to trust some persons with money. But, we also know that there are some Nigerians, firms and companies that have the credibility to deliver on their promises. This is discretion.

For you to sell real estate products and services effectively you must be credible or else you will soon run out of business.

All our sugar coated tongue cannot attract clients if we are dishonest, criminally minded and fraudulent in our dealings with people, firms and companies, even in real estate marketing business. So do the right thing and not what seems right, then watch your business grow.


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