Engineer Adamu Ismaila of the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) gave an insight into the way mass housing projects are run in the FCT.
He said that the Development of Mass Housing(MH) Scheme in Abuja is based on Public Private Partnership (PPP) concept whereby Private Developers are provided with land on leasehold.
According to him, the allocated land will be built by the developers and the houses sold to interested members of the public who are then issued with Certificate of Occupancy (C-of-O) by FCT Administration.
He said that the policy of the scheme envisages that government provides land to developers; Primary Infrastructure to the area; Title deeds to the beneficiaries after completion and sales.
He said that the private developers on the other hand are expected to provide secondary/tertiary infrastructure to service the houses in the allocated plot areas.
In his words, “The developers are to design and build the houses. Ensure sale of the houses to the public to recoup their investment.
He said that mass housing scheme in the FCT so far has led to the delivery of substantial number of houses in the Federal Capital City (FCC) reducing the housing needs of low, medium and high income earners in the FCT.
He also said that the scheme has created an opportunity for serious investors to participate in the physical development of the capital city with good returns on investment, saying it has created job opportunities for professionals and other stakeholders of the building industry within FCC.
“Mass housing delivery on a sustainable level requires the creation of effective institutions to co-ordinate and regulate various activities required to deliver on it’s objectives. In line with the fore – going the FCTA created the Department of Mass Housing to coordinate and drive the Mass Housing Scheme while the Department of Development Control ensures that mass housing developers comply with all the requirements of the Abuja Master Plan. With respect to works quality, safety and extant planning requirements. The FCTA ensures that these departments are continuously being strengthened to perform their roles,” he said.