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How to pass NIESV exams in one sitting


The School has decided to give a scholarship voucher of N40,000 each  to the first 20 participants to qualify. To qualify, all you have to do is show up at pre-commencement Career Conference (Scheduled for 3.00pm March 10, 2013) with copies and originals of all your qualifications (School cert minimum), take an appraisal test and the best 20 candidates to make the payment of the balanceN40,000 on or before March 25, 2013 will be given the Scholarship voucher.


A special bonus of N10,000 discount is available to all participants this year to claim. That is, no participant whether you win the scholarship or not will pay the full fee of N80,000 for this year’s session. A huge benefit of paying N70,000 because you are going to school with ‘Eze’.  So the highest School fees payable this year is N70,000 per participant. I can assure you it won’t be like that next year.

All payment made includes requirements for your NIESV registration.

Class Capacity is 100

By this arrangement we have taken all the stress and risk of failing off you totally. No matter how challenged you think you are academically, with this system you have time and help enough to get what is necessary into your subconscious and pass NIESV PQE 1 like a piece of cake. Then come next year for PQE 2!

The sequence is, we will read together and try to cover the syllabus before the lecture begins. We will attend the lectures and do tutorial past question solving together. We will then write a mock exam together just about one week before the Institutions revision class and 3 weeks or so to the exam proper. We still continue to study together and work within our study group before and during the exam using the school’s facilities.

Tell me, what can beat that? With the required discipline which is further helped by peer pressure and encouragement, you’ve got it covered this time.

The Institution’s Exams are in 3 stages, a stage per year. The plan is to write each stage per year and finish up in 3years!

More so, the Lagos State Law on Agency and the stigmatisation of quackery should motivate you to crunch this Exam once and for all. Here’s a life time opportunity to do so.

The clock starts now as Eze goes back to school.

The clock starts now. ENROLL NOW! CALL 08059100256 or send an email to info@schoolofestate.com

For further enquiry contact 08059100256 or send email to info@schoolofestate.com.

Make all payments for this purpose into

GTBank Account Name: Skola O Etat, Account Number : 0114679834 
Please specify the participant’s name as name of depositor even if you send someone to the bank and download your application form from www.schoolofestate.com or pick it up from the office.

All fees once paid are non-refundable.

This is brought to you by Skola O Etat, The Real Estate Business School, Lagos.

My Name is Debo Adejana, hope you can remember?

Registrar, Skola O Etat, The Real Estate Business School, Lagos.

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