“A landlord in Cameroon shocked many residents at the weekend when he reportedly grabbed one of his tenants’ freshly prepared pot of chicken soup over his refusal to pay rent.
Reports say the tenant had been owing his landlord over six months rent.
According to Cameroon-Concord, the incident took place at Bassa neighborhood in Douala, Cameroon.
Efforts to placate the embittered landlord reportedly proved unsuccessful, as some tenants backed his action that he had been very lenient with the tenant until that moment.
The landlord was quoted as saying: ‘This man has money to prepare chicken but does not have money to pay for his rents, has not paid his rents for the past six months.
‘Each time I ask him to leave my house, he states me some articles of the Penal Code indicating that I might get into serious trouble with the forces of law and order if I kick him out within two months without notice.’
One of the tenants who said the landlord had tolerated enough was also quoted as saying: ‘It is just today we are learning the tenant had been quoting sections of the Penal Code to scare the landlord away.’ “
Source: Newsroom