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Sack Your Landlord

My Phobia for Landlords | #SackYourLandlord

Growing up in my father’s three bedroom flat, I didn’t get the chance to have a one-on-one experience of ‘landlordship’. But I heard so many malicious stories about landlords and their tenants ranging from enforcement of unnecessary laws on tenants, random increments in house rent, the use of abusive and derogatory words on tenants and so on and so forth, which painted a very bad image of landlords in my head; even little children spoke ill of them.

This made me develop a certain phobia for landlords, a suppressed resentment. Like a popular saying goes, “at a point in one’s life, he or she must have a landlord”, I knew my own time of facing my biggest fear was near when I got admission to school at Nnamdi Azikiwe University and my father insisted that I should find a house close to school, his reasons being that living in a school hostel would get me sick and unfocused in school.

I tried everything in my power to convince him to see reasons with me on why I preferred school hostels to rented apartments but he made me know that his decisions were final. Having no other options, I had to go on house hunting for two weeks before finally finding one room apartment where we paid the sum of eighty thousand naira installment fee valid for the period of two years before we could move in.

My landlord visited me a week after I moved into his house to formally welcome me into his “small heaven” as he chose to call his fifteen rooms face-me-I-face-you compound. In the process of welcoming him and serving him something to drink, he noticed nervousness in me due to the fact that my limbs were trembling coupled with wobbly legs and a shaky voice. He didn’t hesitate to ask me with a smile if his looks or clothes were making me scared and uneasy.

I summoned courage to tell him in strong rebuke all the stories I’ve heard of landlords from my childhood till date, to prove to him that I was aware of his gimmicks behind the feigned smile. He laughed like his jaw would dislocate and then signaled me to sit down.

He said, ‘Child, you have gotten it all wrong because most people backup their stories with exaggerations just to justify their actions and make them look like victims of modern day slavery, sometimes they push landlords to the edge by being ignorant and arrogant towards the landlord and his property which they rented. Not all landlords are wicked, all you need to do is to treat a landlord as a friend and he would respect you as his tenant’.

With those words, my landlord killed that fear and stereotype in me. He made my staying in his house worthwhile and memorable.

AUTHOR :- Emecheta Christian



  1. .my friend Chris i never knew you where this good at story telling, kudos oga mi ride on.

  2. Chris wunderkind

    Thanks my man timo, please invite your friends aswell thanks.

  3. What a moment you painted in such a short period of time, u are good man i loved it.

  4. Christian u are a great writer, i see you going places in life.

  5. Wonderfully structured
    article. Kudos to the

  6. Nice and constructive yet
    edducative essay…more
    greeze to your elbow Emecheta Christian

  7. Amy Chydy Nwakire

    Wonderful. The piece
    came to life as I was
    reading through it. Great

  8. John Tolulope Idris

    Great write up.. .. Very
    insightful and educating

  9. Osigwe Paschal

    This is a wonderful piece
    from a prolific writer, an
    award winning essayist
    and a Creative
    thinker! I hail you sir.

  10. ChrisWunderkind

    Thanks Everyone please keep the likes coming and invite your friends aswell to like this post thank you all, God bless you.

  11. ChrisWunderkind

    Thanks Guys keep the comments coming.

  12. Albert Rowland

    The coherency,
    criticality, ingenuity and
    organizational expertise
    with which the article is
    written is quite
    commendable. It is very
    practical, articulate and
    logically connected that
    it sparks interest and
    gives the reader a sense
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    authors’ terminus ad

  13. I learnt a very good lesson from this Christian, you are a great writer, keep the ink flowing.

  14. Great write up from a
    seasoned writer. Keep
    the good work blazing!

  15. Chris wunderkind

    @oluwasegun thanks for the prayer, and amen in Jesus name, PLS invite your friends aswell thanks

  16. This is a one of a kind story, i love it Christian, keep it up

  17. Chris wunderkind

    Thanks Simeon, pls invite your friends to like too, thanks

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