Martins knew his job was on the line, not even with the ugly incident that transpired in his office. Aisha had charged at the fragile Runo like an enraged bull poised for battle. The aftermath of that was a catastrophe. The near-collateral damage in his office was disturbing, considering the fact that his wife was the major culprit .
Martins still did not understand how he let it happen. “Was he under a spell? How come he couldn’t stop Aisha from her short-lived reign of terror?” Taking another close look at his office, assuming Martins wasn’t aware of the hullabaloo that went down at his office he would have concluded that a tremor had shaken the foundations of the building.
“This can’t be the woman I married 2 years ago. It can’t be the same woman I made those vows to. ” Martins pondered. The whole episode felt nightmarish to him.
Asides the bad state of her husband’s office, Aisha had left Runo battered. Martins had hurriedly driven her to a nearby hospital where she was hospitalized. Runo had been in a critical state until few minutes before Martins left the hospital after spending almost two hours there.
What confused Martins about the incident was the wry smile his wife gave Thelma, the new customer service representative as she was leaving the building after the assault on Runo. They smiled at each other like they had a plan all along. Martins didn’t even know Thelma and his wife were acquaintances, or so it seemed.
He dismissed the thoughts as he focused his attention on other matters arising whilst still trying to quantify the extent of damage in his office. Rufus, Martins’ good friend and the Head of operations in the company had advised Martins to do needful before the matter became full blown. For the time being, Martins’ saving grace was that the MD was not on seat when the fracas ensued. Already there were whispers in the office about the fiasco while Martins had been called upon by a couple of his senior colleagues to shed more light on the matter. Martins had spent a greater part of that morning trying to do damage control. Now it was time to work on the “CEDAR HOMES” file Thelma had brought to his desk moments after the rumble in his office.
Though being in the Md’s good book gave Martins some form of leverage, the showdown in his office was too serious an offense to be swept under the carpet. Martins knew words would soon reach the MD and he will be made to answer for his wife’s crimes in the shortest time possible even if he was taking care of the damages.
A report on the turn of events in the company’s newest project should have been Martins’ major agenda for the day before the devil’s advocate he called his wife came knocking on his door.
“Aisha is really becoming my greatest nemesis.” Martins voiced out to no one in particular.
The MD’s secretary, Madam Sylvia walked into Martins’ disorganized office
“Oga Martins, the MD wants to see you”
“The MD? Is he on seat?” Madam Sylvia’s announcement sent cold shivers down his spine
“He just stepped in not too long ago”
“Okay, I will be with him in a jiffy.” Martins replied Madam Sylvia as she walked out of his office
“Oh my God! I hope this hasn’t reached the MD yet? I’m not in the best frame of mind to answer heated questions right now.”
He quietly said a word of prayer before he could muster courage to report in the MD’s office.
Martins was almost at the entrance to the MD’s office around the section where his secretary pitched her tent when the MD’s voice echoed via the walls that surrounded the office.
“This is not the first time something like this is happening? How long will it take him to realize that this place is a corporate environment and not a war-zone or motor park? I’m sorry Rufus, this matter is already a done deal. His services are no longer required here.”
Martins froze on the spot on hearing the MD’s words just as he approached his office. He couldn’t believe his ears.
“So these people already passed judgement on me without a hearing. What’s this? A witch hunt?”
Martins took a quick glance at his immediate environment. “Or Am I in an army barracks?”
“And what did the MD mean by this not being my first time? Someone must really be mistaken here.”
Many thoughts and questions momentarily formed on Martins’ mind as he stood rooted to the spot. Then suddenly he went on a sequence of emotional outburst
“No! they had better get their facts right before they condemn me to the unemployment train. For Pete’s sake I’m a first time offender! They can’t just boot me out without a fair trial. There are other ways to punish me for the fracas that occurred in my office. Going for the jugular is rather extreme.” In Martin’s minds’ eye he was standing in a witness box before a Judge.
He had forgotten for a moment he wasn’t alone at the entrance to the Md’s office. The Md’s secretary who had stopped working the moment Martins appeared at the office watched on in bemused state, not altering a single word the whole time till she couldn’t take it no more.
“Oga Martins are you okay?”
“No am not!”
The MD’s final words came out audible enough for Martins’ amplified eardrums to pick out.
“Rufus we ain’t having this discussion anymore. Left to me this is done and dusted. He’s relieved of his duties! Case closed!”
“Oga Martins! Wetin now?”Madam Sylvia tried to draw Martins’ attention yet again.
“You heard him, didn’t you? I have been sacked! just like that…”
With feeble feet, Martins slowly made his way into the MD’s office for a verdict that was passed in the absence of the accused.