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Tag Archives: renting

6 Things People Dislike About Agents And How They Can Correct It

Real estate agents

Most people hate the fact that they often times have to go through a real estate agent before they can rent, buy or sell a property because of the impression some “so called” professionals in the real estate industry have created. Asides that, some real estate agents are only after the money they can get from a deal and care ...

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The Buyer Or Seller: Who Really Should Pay Estate Agents Fee?

dark agents

The Real Estate sector has become lucrative and it is contributing in its own way to curbing unemployment in Nigeria. There are different levels of people involved in Real Estate business, but there is a particular set of people in the industry who are not without controversy, as regards who pays them or should pay them. These people are the ...

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RENTING AN APARTMENT IN LAGOS: The Landlord, Agent and Tenant Drama

renting an apartment in Lagos

Renting an apartment in Lagos has become a feat that deserves a standing ovation for whoever can successfully scale through the hurdle without any hitches. And I’m talking about the prospective tenants and just maybe the real estate agents who are the middle men in the course of renting an apartment. As for the Landlords, they are usually the outsiders ...

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Co-tenancy: The gains of renting an apartment with a roommate


There comes a time in our life when staying alone can be a bit traumatizing. Single people who rent apartments without a corresponding flat mate or roommate do so mostly due to privacy but there are times they wish it was different. In this article we will be discussing the gains of renting an apartment with a flat mate. Co-tenancy ...

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Recession: What Landlords Should Know Before Renting!


Staying afloat or ahead of the pack in a hopelessly recessed economy can sometimes be likened to Daniel leaving the Lion’s den unscathed. We are in a time where apartments can remain unoccupied for months; a period when landlords should be up on their toes concerning their investment. This article highlights what landlords should know before renting. The times are ...

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Why Homeownership Is a Cool Investment

Kano state to grant land and tax incentives to investors

If there is an investment in the world that has the “never say die” spirit, it is homeownership. You won’t be too far from the truth, if you say homeownership is a tool to reduce poverty and as a route to wealth-building for the middle class. This article tells us why homeownership is a cool investment. A good investment is ...

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