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How Tenants Can Maintain a Healthy Relationship With Landlords

Most of us speak ill of our landlords like we do not aspire to be landlords someday. And I want to believe no one wants to remain a tenant for the rest of their lives, or are there exceptions? This article talks about how tenants can build or maintain a cordial relationship with landlords

It is so easy to castigate Nigerian Landlords who own residential rental property for the mismanagement of their properties and insensitivity towards the plight of their tenants, but do we sometimes try to put ourselves in their shoes?

More often than not, tenants and landlords want a well-maintained property that is well secured. No landlord will want to run a business with no return on investment, hence they do what they deem fit to ensure that the property fetches them income, even if it is at the detriment of the tenants on the property.

That notwithstanding, landlords want to be treated courteously and with some form of respect. Tenants must put into cognizance that no matter how insensitive, irresponsible and clumsy a landlord seems, they are still lords over the property that was leased to them on a temporary basis.

Because a property was leased to you for a year or more doesn’t make you sole proprietor of that property. That must first be established in your subconscious if you are to enjoy a cordial relationship with your landlord

Here are four tips on how a tenant can maintain a healthy relationship with his or her landlord;

1. Remember that nothing is resolved with anger
Just like in every relationship on earth, there are times you will have heated moments with your landlord. These are times when your ability to sort your differences or manage the situation will make or mar the relationship you’ve established with your landlord.

Sometimes things will go wrong with the facilities within your apartment or within the premises of the residential rental property and worse still, repairs may take longer than expected. There will also be instances where the landlord might want to be unduly excessive with his communication with you. Regardless of the situation you have with a landlord, even if you are aggrieved by the situation on ground, communication is key!

Communicating calmly will help both parties resolve issues faster. In conversations over potentially contentious issues, try to maintain a level tone and be polite – basically, being adults.

2. Mutual respect goes a long way
No tenant should be dragged into a situation where he or she has to disrespect or humiliate the landlord. As a tenant, where possible you should show consideration for the owner’s investment. Don’t go handling facilities within and outside your apartment like you don’t live there.

No matter what you think of your landlord, it is only appropriate that you imbibe an ownership mentality because you will someday become a landlord too.If you show disrespect to the property by mistreating it, like walking away from water flow from the filled tanks of a borehole or messing up the compound and constituting a nuisance generally in the premises, remember that you will one day reap what you sowed.

3. Keep your expectations in check
Everyone is busy. Realistically, you can’t expect the owner to be at your beck and call for every issue, no matter how small. It’s likely the landlord has other work commitments, and property managers are usually dealing with hundreds of properties at any given time. High expectations can create a frazzled relationship that induces a sigh or a frown from the landlord every time they see a name pop up on their phone.

4. Get everything in writing
The first rule in all of this is to forget the ‘handshake’ agreement, and get everything in writing. This will protect you with names and dates if a promise or action goes unfulfilled.

Bottomline: A healthy tenant-landlord relationship thrives on good communication, sincerity, mutual respect, and an ownership mentality. If you understand that your landlord is human and has needs too you will approach issues with your landlord differently other than being driven by your emotions.

Landlords try their utmost best to build a conducive environment for their tenants and business, it is only fair that you keep them happy in your attitude towards them and their business



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