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Vox Pop: Where would you like to settle down if nothing like family, career or money were in the way?

A vox pop was conducted on social media recently and the question asked was where people would like to settle down if nothing like family, career, money or children were in the way.

We gathered that many people would like to live outside Nigeria, in fact, an approximate 60% of the people who commented would prefer to live and settle down outside Nigeria. Canada, was a popular choice amongst those who chose to live outside the country.

Other popular picks were: Russia, Atlanta, Dubai, Denmark, Paris and Singapore

Below are responses of the people who chose to live and settle down within Nigeria:

Felix O Sylvanus – Some Forest in Delta to create my own reality…

Adeoye Ibukunolu Oluwadamilola – It’d be Nigeria as base. From there I can visit the world whenever. There’s so much to be done in this place. Most of us want to run away so that we can get a real opportunity to help ourselves.

Pope Ojo Adewale Iyanda – Kaduna

Adesunloye AdeOjuogunle AdeIsreal –Nigeria is d best of all even Ondo state. All we need is God intervention in our economics ok. Home is home.

Hadetholar Holluwanyphemy – Ummmm I love Nigeria if I have enough money ooo believe me, Nigeria, Abuja won’t be bad but since money is da bomb Omo Canada straight I won’t even think twice o

Oke Oluwadamilare Oluwaseunfunmi In Nigeria, Abuja and Lagos and New york ‘in the abroad’

Aduroja Francis Akintade Nigeria (Osogbo or Ilesa) , Europe (Finland/Germany) , Chicago in the USA, CANADA, Taiwan or Hongkong in ASIA In order of importance.

Emeka Aroh Emyjoe My village (Ngwo)

Gozie Ezeogu Republic of Biafra.

And we were not without a humorous comment from Olajumoke Agbebi who said “God will place my feet on a solid ground.

So, what’s your take? Where would you love to settle down and live if you never have to worry about money and the likes?

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