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6 Things People Dislike About Agents And How They Can Correct It


Most people hate the fact that they often times have to go through a real estate agent before they can rent, buy or sell a property because of the impression some “so called” professionals in the real estate industry have created. Asides that, some real estate agents are only after the money they can get from a deal and care less about their client. This article highlights 6 things most people dislike about Real estate agents and how the agents can correct the notion.

For some Real estate agents especially those in the rental business, clients are just another means of making fast money. They put their needs first before that of their clients

Let’s face it: Some Real estate agents have forged a bad reputation. Perhaps disdain for them comes from a person’s nightmarish experience with an agent; or maybe it comes from their frustration at having to rely on someone else’s expertise for such an expensive venture.

Whatever the reason, many people perceive real estate agents as opportunistic shysters in it for an easy buck. The good news is that it’s entirely within the power of a real estate agent to help change their perception.

Here are 6 things consumers dislike about real estate agents with some corresponding tips for turning their frowns upside down.

1. Having to spend money even before your demands are met.

Usually a client is asked to pay a consultation fee or registration fee to an agent when in search of an apartment to rent. However, some persons have to still pay the transportation fare of the agent involved while inspecting the various properties for rent even if they eventually don’t get what they wanted. The disturbing part of this is the fact that some of these agents don’t really have a complete picture of the property they are taking them on a tour of; Its more like a trial by error effort. and just like the prospecting tenant that agent is visiting the place for the first time

Pro tip

Get your facts right before you take your clients on a wild goose chase

2. Having to pay a commission fee

If an agent can’t demonstrate upfront the value they bring to the process, contacts might wonder why they should pay that agent a commission.

Pro tip

Be prepared to prove your expertise. Have your facts on hand: past rentals, client reviews, and how fast your listings goes up for rent, or sale. How fast you close a deal demonstrates your real estate skill and expertise.

3. Feeling like you’re being “sold to” or pressured to close

The commission-based nature of real estate — making money from renting, buying or selling a property isn’t lost on clients. An aggressive, sales-heavy approach can leave them wondering if their agent cares more about the bottom line than helping buyers and sellers fulfill their home dreams. Explaining to clients how the process works gives them insight into why agents employ the tactics they use.

4. A perceived lack of transparency

Most consumers don’t have the extensive knowledge or expertise that real estate agents have when it comes to renting, buying or selling a home. They can naturally feel wary about trusting an outsider with what is likely the biggest purchase of their lives. Being open and honest when they have questions helps build the foundation for a long-term relationship that pays off for both of you.

Pro tip

People can’t argue with data; be transparent with information that backs up your statements. For example, if a client pushes back on your recommendation that they purchase a (better) more expensive home because you’ll “make more money on it,” do the math right then and there. When you show them what you actually take home is they should realize that you’re not milking them dry or jeopardizing your relationship with them over a few bucks.

Most important, don’t lie to people. It never pays off and beyond the legal ramifications for playing fast and loose with the truth for the sake of closing a sale, it destroys the chances for any future business or referrals from that client.

5. Feeling disrespected and ignored

Many consumers can feel their agent doesn’t listen to their needs, whether buyers are being presented with homes that aren’t anywhere near what they’re looking for, or sellers who don’t understand that they have options. Just as an agent’s time is money, a lead or client’s time is just as important. When an agent is punctual and prepared, it goes a long way toward reinforcing the agent’s dedication to being the agent of their dreams.

Pro tip

You can acknowledge your clients’ anxieties — even if it includes a painful history with another agent — and make them feel respected when you become a better listener, learn to empathize and give them ownership in the process. As the professional, you’re there to guide your client on the path to a successful, mutually beneficial sale, but asking for your client’s opinion and feedback along the way can make it a smoother path — one they might happily ask you to accompany them on more than once.

6. A lack of openness or empathy

Real estate is all about building and maintaining relationships; personality counts for everything and sometimes, for whatever reason, people simply don’t click. If being a “people person” doesn’t come naturally, it will take patience and practice to learn how to relate to people and make a genuine connection with them.

Pro tip

Yes, you’re the professional whom your clients are relying on, but they have something to teach you, too. Leave your ego at the door and try role-playing client interactions so that you can understand how others see you and adjust your approach as needed.

Buyers and sellers want to know they’ll be taken care of during the very personal process of buying or selling a home. You can overcome much of their worries about real estate agents by listening to their fears and concerns, sharing your game plan for addressing them and following it up with outstanding customer service.

Create a rapport with people early on and you not only improve the overall reputation of the real estate industry, but you can create authentic relationships that benefit you both for years to come.

culled from www.zillow.com



  1. Informative.

  2. well!i believe we are improving

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