A lot of Nigerian tenants especially those in the suburbs of Lagos see their Landlord as a necessary evil they can’t do without except they are ready to be property owners too or probably pitch tents under the various bridges we have in Lasgidi.
Landlords wield so much power that it stirs up a hornet’s nest in the minds of tenants that could pile up consequences for them if undermined. Some landlords play God in the lives of their tenants to the extent that the unfortunate tenants dismiss the existence of the one true God.
The afore-mentioned is the reason why some aggrieved tenants will never entertain the idea of living in the same compound with their landlord. I mean, having the landlord pay you visits gives you the jitters then what happens when you have to contend with staying in the same compound with the so called landlord; that could be your passport to hell and that’s me not putting it mildly. However these deductions and possible insinuations springs entirely from my personal ‘beef’ with landlords conceived from my experience as a tenant. So, I could be committing a fallacy. More reason why I am using this platform to get your views on today’s topic which goes thus; Can you sincerely live with your Landlord in the same house/compound? I have set the ball rolling, now it’s time for y’all to air your views. Do have your say:
Isioma who resides somewhere in Surulere says, “I had this experience sometimes back. It was my first experience as a tenant and I didn’t see the big deal in living in the same house with my landlady because my parents have a house where we also have tenants and there had never been an issue regards anything. But 2months into my stay, I got to understand that everyone cannot be like my parents. In my case, my Landlady was too demanding and possessive. She wanted to know my every movement and even told me she wouldn’t want me to have male visitors. I felt caged in a house I was paying for. At the end of the 1 year rent I paid, I had to look for another house and I made sure not to make the same mistake ever again. So I won’t say all house owners will give you problems but I won’t try it again.”
Maxwell says, “There is no big deal in it. I have experienced it when I was small. There will always be issues but it all depends on your diplomacy”
Funso says “yes I can but I would not want to. Reason being that, landlord tends to be unnecessarily provocative. You know they act on silly things, things that are inconsequential.”
Nonso says, “I can, although, I prefer to live with a landlord than a landlady, even as a staff anywhere, I like male superior than female”
Solomon says, “I can live with my landlord, I think it boils down to the attitude of the individual person”
There you have it, I don’t know how Mr. Solomon plans to find out the attitude of his landlord or landlady to be, however, we would love to hear your take on this matter.
Here are some more comments we gathered on Facebook:
Andrea – “an average Nigerian does not understand the concept of privacy. That being said, I would mind.”
Fisayo – “Kuku tell me to go and continue living in my Father’s house. ?
?Landlord that will be locking gate for somebody. Landlord to ju bo ile.. Abeg, i no do.”
Larry – “I don’t see anything bad in it..I live with my landlord,i’m the only tenant thou..My landlord is such a nice man”
Ibrahim – ” Living with a landlord most times causes some inconveniences, because almost everything d tenant does is been watch by d landlord n a small mistake can lead to some misunderstanding. Although, some tenant needs to be watched as they are wicked, can destroy properties since its not theirs.”
Purpose- ” It depends on the personality of the landlord. If he’s a peaceful and respectable dude, why not?”
Olatunji- “I have lived with a landlord and also without one. Both went well, we respect each other’s spaces. Sometimes I wish I was still living with a landlord so I don’t have to deal with these roof repair bills”
Olubunmi- ” I have lived with a landlord before -almost 5yrs. There are disadvantaged and advantages that comes with it. I remember a time like that when one of the co-tenant go cause kasala for outside, Thank God we had a landlord the whole house would have been torn apart. Another time, our landlord became monitoring spirit, evaluating and complaining on the slightest things we do. To a large extent, ones privacy and freedom/rights is reduced. They are called landlord, not just because they own the house but because the act as Lord (exercising control) over the landspace, structures and tenant inclusive. Overall, I think the personality of the landlord matters too.
Right now…. landlord? Mba. Kolewerk! I would avoid what i know i can avoid rather than manage what i should have avoided.”
Sophia – “I live with my landlady and landlord, i thought i would cope but come end of the year, i would be looking for another apartment. As cool as I am ,it’s still bullshit . They intrude in your privacy ,i mean in your privacy especially when you are a young one than me. If i wanted someone poking in my business, then i should not have left my father’s house in Lagos to come to ibadan”
Bidemi – “The only time I lived with one, turned out to be an awesome experience. Me and the landlady became gisting mates. I just had my baby so she turned out to help keep an eye on my girl and baby. Before I had my baby armed robbery attacked my house, I started sleeping in their house as Le boo was not always around.
We were that close that I gave them my spare keys incase I lost mine. She was a chef, so I enjoyed any new thing she dished out from her kitchen.
The truth was if not for bad road and the need for a bigger space, wouldn’t have moved. And nope we weren’t from the same tribe or church, so No common ground except we were both Christians.
So if it’s that type of Landlord, me no get wahala.”
Mary- “I did when serving. No one should try it mbok! She extorted”
Do you prefer or can you live with your Landlord/landlady in the same house? You can use the comment box below.
To be transparent is very bad to live with your landlady. Most times i do things to please my landlady but still the over inquisitive about my life from her is too much. That even when a female friend come looking for me, she reports me to other tenants. When I even paid ahead without owing her a dime. In fact is a bad life and not different from one being enslaved in the 21st century.